How To Recover Your AT&T; Email Account 475

How To Recover Your AT&T; Email Account 475

T&T; email account is an outstanding service provided by AT&T; through which you can track everything related to your. AT&T; Customer Service Support if you have forgotten your username or password of your AT&T; email account and want to recover it, then you do not have to worry. If you have adequate information about your email account then you can recover your email account in the following steps.

Visit my AT&T;

My AT&T; is the name of the homepage of your email account from where you can manage your email account of AT&T.; The address to my AT&T; is.

Select Forgot User ID? And then select Username & Password

When you will be directed to the homepage through the above given address, under the space of typing username or password, you will see an option of Forgot User ID or Password. Click the one according to your case.

Type your contact email address

Now when you have clicked it, you will be redirected to a new page that would be asking you for your contact email address. Give your contact email address there and submit it. ATT Tech Support Number.

If prompted then choose how would you like to get user ID.

If that is accepted then you would be given options about how do you like to get your user ID. You can choose your email and get the user ID on your email/

Enter the user ID that you got.

When you have got the email from AT&T;, it would comprise of user ID. You have to enter that user ID on the next page you are redirected on by my AT&T.;

Choose temporary password or security questions and follow the prompts.

After that you will be given two options to recover your email, either you can use a temporary password or answer your security question. If you select temporary password then a temporary password would be provided to you by AT&T; email customer care number on your email.

Enter the password you received if you selected temporary password.

After you enter that password on the page you have been redirected on after choosing temporary password option, you will be given an option to create a new password.

Create the new password.

After you have created the new password, you will be logged in myAT&T.; If any problem still exists, then free feel to contact AT&T; customer service number to get your issue resolved.